Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 26th February 2024 Written Update

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 26th February 2024 Written Update

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 26th February 2024 Written Episode Update: 

Today's Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye 26th February 2024 episode starts with the police escorting Amruta to jail while she pleads with them to believe in her innocence.

They mock her for allegedly stealing money and fleeing the city, while Bhawani notices a missed call from Jahan on her phone.

Concerned, Bhawani tries to reach Jahan but receives no response, which heightens her anxiety.

She confides in Aaji about the situation, leading Aaji to also become tense. Aaji suggests contacting Amruta to find out what's going on, but Amruta doesn't answer Bhawani's calls. In desperation, Bhawani reaches out to Harsh.

Harsh answers Bhawani's call in tears, further alarming her.

Bhawani presses him for details, and Harsh reveals that the police have arrested Amruta.

Meanwhile, Virat visits Amruta in jail, urging her to confess to her alleged crime and accept a lifetime sentence.

However, Amruta maintains her innocence, asserting that she hasn't committed any wrongdoing.

This declaration hits Virat hard.

The next steps for Amruta remain uncertain, as does Bhawani's ability to assist her daughter in this troubling situation.

To download KMTMG all episodes or watch online today's (26 February 2024) latest full episode, go to zee5.com

Cached Saved on: Monday 1st of April 2024 02:49:31 PMCached Disp on: Saturday 27th of April 2024 04:34:01 PM